The Surf Series

In the Surf

Surf Series


Release Date: July 30, 2019

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Liam recalls the life of his best friend while desperately trying to make sense of the hopelessness he finds himself in after his friend, Byron, takes his own life.

Along the Shore

Surf Series


Release Date: August 13, 2019

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The world dulled when you decided the fate of my future. Our son speaks of you as a
superhero, and I grapple with the idea I wasn’t good enough to keep you here, safe—with us. I spend my days working to support our son, and my nights turn into one endless string of reckless decisions because reality provides no comfort. The truth of the situation buried deep down, since you’re gone, and I stand drowning in my own grief.


Along the shore, there’s a lady whose torment captured me the first time her aura caught my eye. Her beauty holds steady behind the mask she wears every morning. Something about her piques my interest as the days go by, and I know deep inside my mission beckons to uncover her secret and bring her back among the living. Written in her body language, speaks a familiar road I traveled. A road of sorrow nobody deserves stranded alone in its strangled web.